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couple dancing for Engagement Photo Ravens Roost

Kayla + Chris – Engaged

August 22, 2020

A Gorgeous View for an Engagement Session at Ravens Roost

I never dreamed when I met Chris last year that he and Kayla would choose me to photograph their engagement and wedding! I met Chris last year when he interviewed me for a segment on CBS 19 News. Hank (our rambunctious puppy) had been selected to be in Puppy Bowl XV on Animal Planet! After the interview, we chatted and he mentioned he was engaged to be married! In turn, I let him know I was a photographer. We chatted some more and I headed home with Hank! After leaving, I thought he would never remember me mentioning I was a photographer, but last January he contacted me about photographing his wedding! I was thrilled to hear from him!

The last five months have been interesting with an ongoing pandemic and I worried about what that meant for their wedding! Fortunately, everything is a go and we scheduled Chris & Kayla’s engagement session for August 1st at Ravens Roost!

July was unbearably hot and I was concerned Chris & Kayla would be miserable during their engagement session. Michael kept telling me it would be cooler there and I kept telling him, I hope so! Kayla and I discussed ways to keep them cool during their session! I was checking the weather the day before as was Kayla and we were emailing back and forth about what to do as the weather forecast was for scattered thunderstorms during the evening! We decided to go for it! And, I couldn’t have been happier with that decision! We had thunderstorms around our location but not where we were and it turned out to be cooler up there just as my husband predicted!

It was incredible to finally meet Kayla in person and to see Chris again! What is really cool about them is the similarities that Michael and I share with them! Chris is from New Jersey and Kayla is from South Carolina. Michael is from Jersey as well and I’m from North Carolina. It’s not exactly the same but pretty similar and I love that! Chris says his favorite beverage is unsweetened tea and Michael loves unsweet tea! Kayla’s favorite place to visit is the beach! That would be Michael’s favorite place to visit as well! Chris’ favorite candy is Reese’s Peanut Butter cups and I love all things peanut butter so Reese’s PB cups are one of my absolute favorites! Best of all, they are dog lovers just as we are! They have two senior dogs named Penny and Daisy!

I asked them to tell me about the day they got engaged and Kayla says, Chris planned a trip to Natural Bridge for them along with his cousin and god daughters. His family was going to distract her while he prepared to pop the question. Unfortunately, his family wasn’t able to make it but Chris and Kayla went anyway. Kayla says, “Chris and I took selfies and he awkwardly asked some stranger to take a picture”. She says, Chris got down on one knee to propose but forgot what to say. The stranger realized what was going on and captured it on video. When Kayla tried to say yes, her arm got caught on her sunglasses (because of her bracelets) and she says “it was awkward”. It all sounds very sweet to me!

Kayla and Chris were so fun during their session and although I told them it would feel awkward in the beginning, these two never seemed to feel that way! Needless to say, I cannot wait for their wedding! Enjoy!

Chris + Kayla Engaged
Kayla started adjusting his collar. I didn’t even prompt for this! I just told her to keep doing that! So sweet and one of my favorites!
Kayla + Chris - Engaged
I love that there are so many options for backdrops at Ravens Roost!

Kayla + Chris - Engaged
Kayla + Chris - Engaged
Kayla + Chris - Engaged
Ravens Roost Kayla + Chris - Engaged
I loved their clothing choices!! It makes me so happy when people dress up for their session!
Kayla + Chris - Engaged
engagement ring Kayla + Chris - Engaged
Kayla + Chris - Engaged
Kayla + Chris - Engaged
Chris + Kayla - Engaged
Kayla + Chris - Engaged engagement ring
I love all the different colored rocks in the background!! Truly my favorite image of Kayla’s ring!
Kayla + Chris Engaged
Ravens Roost Overlook Kayla + Chris - Engaged
Kayla + Chris - Engaged
Chris + Kayla - engaged
Kayla + Chris - Engaged
I love the emotion in this photo! Do you see it? Wow!
Kayla + Chris - Engaged
Ravens Roost Overlook photography session Kayla + Chris - Engaged
Kayla + Chris - Engaged
Kayla + Chris - Engaged
Kayla + Chris - Engaged
Kayla + Chris - Engaged
Ravens Roost Overlook
Can you believe this view? It was so perfect with dreamy clouds in the background for a dramatic backdrop.

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  1. Beautiful shots! Ravens Roost Overlook is so pretty. 🙂

    • Kimberly Forbes says:

      Thanks so much!

  2. Diane Southard says:

    Hi Kimberly, I am an old high school classmate of Mike and I came to your blog from your facebook post. I adore these photos and your post is wonderful ~ I’m so glad you decided to blog to share your exceptional talent ! Although photography is a skill that can be learned it takes a special something to put people at ease and enjoy their session. What I am seeing in your photos is that you have a gracious & beautiful personality and heart . Your website is really lovely, professional and personal ~ what a fantastic combination ! Enjoy the journey of blogging and capturing the special moments <3 Take good care, Diane

    • Kimberly Forbes says:

      Diane, your comments brought tears to my eyes as I read them! Thanks so much for the kind words! You made my day! 🙂

      • Diane Southard says:

        Awwww , you are welcome!! Seems that seeing the beauty and love in nature and the people stands out even more so during these crazy times! It is refreshing how you honestly and humbly share your gift and the stories on your blog.


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